Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My NEW Coupon Binder!!

Just had to share my new coupon binder!! For the past few days I have been working on convering my coupon box to a coupon binder. It has been some work but already I love it! It is so easy to see what coupons I have without digging through little envelopes or little slots in my accordian file.

My basic set up is this: I have a zippered 2-inch D-ring binder with LOTS of trading card pages for binders (9 slots/page) as well as a few 4x6 photo pages for binders (2 slots/page), some tabbed index pages and a few regular sheet protectors.

Here is my first page:

This is a 4x6 photo page that holds the coupons I am planning to use on my next shopping trip - one slot per store (one for Dillon's and one for Walgreen's as well as a 2nd page with one for Wal-mart and one for rainchecks - organized by date).

Here are some samples of my inside pages:

Again, each page has slots for 9 coupons. I trimmed some of the coupons so they would fit nicely in the slots and some I just folded so I could see the product name and/or description. I have my binder divided into 14 categories:











Health & Beauty




Then at the very back I have a couple of full-size sheet protectors to hold my restaurant coupons, rebate info, and other misc. goodies.

Also, the front cover of my binder has a pouch to hold a staple puller, scissors, calculator, pen/pencil and small sticky-notes.

This will make planning shopping trips as well as the actual shopping so much easier as I will be able to select a category and go right to a page for refrigerated bread items, or boxed/bagged snacks, or baby diapers, etc. Plus if I spot a great deal at the store then I can easily go to that category in my binder to see if I have any coupons for additional savings!

Well, that's all for now!!


Just getting started!!

HI! We are just getting started with blogging!! This is my very first blog EVER!!!

Mainly what I will share here is my coupon savings!! So, watch for future posts on my favorite coupon sites and details of my savings!!
